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Registration fees:
Regular registrations*Fee
Regular1600 RMB (230 US Dollar)
Student1200 RMB (170 US Dollar)
On site2000 RMB (285 US Dollar)
*Graduate and undergraduate students with validated student IDs; Please provide the scanned file of the student ID and the letter from the advisor (both in pdf format) for the special rate for students.

Neither travel insurance nor medical, accident or liability insurance is included in the registration fees. The ICCOC participants should make sure that they are fully insured from their home institution.

Method of payment:
Wechat Pay(微信支付)Money Transfer(转账)
Beijing Univ. of Chem. Tech.
Beneficiary Address: BeiSanHuan East Rd. 15th, ChaoYang District, Beijing, 100029 P. R. China
Bank Name: Bank of Beijing, Yinghua Branch
Bank Account: 0109 0504 3001 2010 5029 689
Swift Code:
Bank Address: BeiSanHuan East Rd. 15th, ChaoYang District, Beijing, 100029 P. R. China

北京市朝阳区北三环东路 15 号
银行账号: 0109 0504 3001 2010 5029 689
ICCOC2023, International Conference of Computational Organometallic Catalysis

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