General Information
There will be 6 keynote lectures, 46 invited lectures presented in the two-day conference of ICCOC2023.
Conference place:
Conference Center of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) Map:
Instructions for Speakers:
- The presentation time for keynote lecture is 45 minutes (including 5 minutes questions and discussion)
- The presentation time for invited and oral lectures is 25 minutes (including 5 minutes questions and discussion)
Instructions for Poster Presenters:
- The size of poster board is 90cm (width) X 120cm (height) and the poster should be designed to fit A0 size.
- All posters are to be mounted between 12:30 and 14:30, Oct. 20th. Posters are to be removed before noon on Oct. 23rd when the poster boards will be removed. All the remaining posters past the time will be recycled.
- The staff will be in service to assist on poster mounting. Adhesive tapes will be provided on site.
- The staff will be in service to assist on poster mounting. Adhesive tapes will be provided on site. - Each student poster is to be evaluated by four referees. Students are advised to present your work to all of them.
Conference Language:
The official language of the conference is English.